About our Workshops

Healing Ways from the Ancients for today!

Azurae's Spirit doctor healing team, the Spirit in Nature and the White Light Brotherhood often assist in amazing healings during workshops. They connect journeyers with the highest possible Guides, Spirit Doctors and Totems to match their soul's blueprint frequency. Azurae was taught in the XAT Native American Medicine Society to access wisdom directly from the Spirit of Nature, the Enlightened Ancestors, Spirit Doctors who offer healing from other dimensions, the masters of the White Light Brotherhood and DNA memory. She carries this legacy of opening wisdom and healing channels to her students who are continuing to build on to the curriculum of Practical Shamanism.

Taking Care of the Special Needs of Highly Sensitive Empathic People

Practical Shamanism with Azurae Windwalker

  • ​Saturday Aug. 29 at the Amethyst Center
  • Sat. Sept. 5 in NOVA at Joy of Being in Occoquan
  • Sat. Sept 12 in Charlotte NC at Kent Cook Institute at the Nook
  • Sat. Sept 18 in Charleston WVA
  • Sat. Sept 26 in Johnson City TN at Atlantis
I want to help sensitive empathic people meet the challenges of the negative energies of our chaotic world in Shift and help them ascend to a higher level so that they can fulfill their soul desires sharing their gifts and talents as Lightworkers. Highly sensitive empathic people have special needs. This is why Practical Shamanism was first created. You can tap the Spirit Power within you, heal, offer healing and find your path to inner wisdom without the negative side effects suffered by many folks caught up in the non-beneficial energy of our fear based culture and the overwhelming energy of the Shift. In the workshop series you’ll learn simple effective techniques of Practical Shamanism for clearing negative energy, powering up, highly advanced property and personal energy protective shielding and shamanic healing techniques. Thus you can bypass many of the stumbling blocks of the material world. You’ll meet your challenges with masterful spiritual help. Through the shamanic journey experience you communicate and work with your very own Spirit Doctors, Totems, Angels and Nature Spirit. In these journeys you can discover information and wisdom which helps you achieve professional success, psychological enlightenment, and profound personal fulfillment. You can ascend to a much higher level!
Azurae Windwalker, a nationally known shamanic practitioner, healer and teacher, is your leader for rediscovering your shamanic self. The National Association for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy granted Azurae the Unique Contribution Award for leadership in shamanic journey. The Spirit Doctors and Masters of White Light, the Chief Healing Angels and the Spirit of Nature work with Azurae so your own Shamanic Journey is one of quantum healing and self-discovery! Begin a new way of thinking and create healthy new habits with shamanic techniques designed for sensitive people like you! Change your way of life for the better…. Journey within!

Treating the Empaths Special Needs Workshop

 10 am – 12:30 pm HEALING JOURNEY and WHITE LIGHT WHOLENESS INITIATION - This Shamanic Journey will help you to heal specific chakra based illnesses.  Your "gateway" healer totem will help you release the illusion of disease, and call in good health.  First we muscle test to find chakras needing healing. Then using toning, aromatherapy, stones, herbs, color therapy, shamanic art and a special healing dispensation from your White Light Brotherhood Healing Team we reintroduce the perfection of your soul’s blueprint for health.  After the session we muscle test for results. You’ll be amazed at the results! To take this session only  2.5 hrs group of 8.

1:30 - 4pm TREATING THE EMPATHS SPECIAL NEEDS - STRENGTHENING YOUR SPIRIT BODY – POWERING UP, MEDICAL INTUITION, SHIELDING. Plus CLEARING AND HEALING THE SOLAR PLEXUS. – Empaths have special needs. This session is for especially sensitive folks and professional healers who must learn a discipline to maintain health and sanity in a chaotic world. The heavy energy we pick up in Earth density bogs us down and keep us from receiving clear messages from our empathic solar plexus center. Too much heaviness there is not only uncomfortable but also contributes to disease of the heart and lungs. We will learn how to grow our shaman’s phantom energy fingers and pull out heavy energy collected in our own solar plexus from other people and situations. The result is a real lightness of being and clarity of our gut instincts. Then we power up and put our shields on to the max on our bodies and homes and we go into the world as spiritual Light Warriors. We will also practice Seeing and Feeling your own spirit body and to diagnose illness and energy blockages in others and yourself.. Archangel Michael will help us clear our nonbeneficial energy in his flaming net. The exercises in this workshop are easy, fun, enlightening and empowering. 2.5 hrs group of 8
5 pm – 7:30 CORE TRAUMA CLEARING, PAST LIFE JOURNEY, SOUL RETRIEVAL plus White Light Initiation #2 – High Shift energies now reveal more and more layers of trauma to be cleared as we ascend up the ladder of soul ascension. Divorces, sexual relations, rape, abuse, accidents, and injury from this or from other lives are some trauma causes. Trauma stalls uour health, peace and prosperity.  Soul loss, self-destructive behaviors and self-medication to numb the pain in drugs, alcohol and other addictions are often effects. Non-beneficial entities may attach to your damaged aura, drain your energy and manipulate your behavior. In this guided shamanic journey we gently clear your trauma and any entity attachments. We time travel down your trauma timeline and release your original core trauma which began your soul trauma pattern. Then you a have a fresh beginning and learn from your soul history. We also retrieve lost soul parts. We lovingly cut non-beneficial chords to people and events. Thus you easily break non-beneficial patterns. Then your stronger soul can magnetize your soul’s destiny, energy, health, prosperity and over all well being. You will remember your soul blueprint in its perfected state and recall the mighty powerful spiritual being that you are! 2.5 hrs. for groups of 8 people. 
Available as session # 3 in NOVA and Charleston WV   -  CORE TRAUMA CLEARING, PAST LIFE JOURNEY, SOUL RETRIEVAL plus White Light Initiation #2 – High Shift energies now reveal more and more layers of trauma to be cleared as we ascend up the ladder of soul ascension. Divorces, sexual relations, rape, abuse, accidents, and injury from this or from other lives are some trauma causes. Trauma stalls uour health, peace and prosperity.  Soul loss, self-destructive behaviors and self-medication to numb the pain in drugs, alcohol and other addictions are often effects. Non-beneficial entities may attach to your damaged aura, drain your energy and manipulate your behavior. In this guided shamanic journey we gently clear your trauma and any entity attachments. We time travel down your trauma timeline and release your original core trauma which began your soul trauma pattern. Then you a have a fresh beginning and learn from your soul history. We also retrieve lost soul parts. We lovingly cut non-beneficial chords to people and events. Thus you easily break non-beneficial patterns. Then your stronger soul can magnetize your soul’s destiny, energy, health, prosperity and over all well being. You will remember your soul blueprint in its perfected state and recall the mighty powerful spiritual being that you are! $64 2.5 hrs. for groups of 8 people. 

Prices vary at various locations according to programming and provider costs.

Aug. 29 - Amethyst Center near Roanoke Session 1 -  $35  Session 2 - $45 Session 3 - $55  total cost - $135
Sept 5 - Joy of Being in Occoquan VA (NOVA)  Session 1 -  $45, Session 2 - $55  Session 3 - $65   total cost $165
Sept. 12  Kent Cook Institute at the Nook Cornelius NC in Charlotte area - Session 1 - $35  Session 2 $35  Session 3 - $75 total cost $145
Sept 19 - Charleston West VA sponsored by Charlotte Murphy Session 1 - $44, Session 2 - $54 Session 3 - $64 total cost $162 

Sept. 26 - Atlantis in Johnson City TN  Session 1 - $44 Session 2 - $54 Session 3 - $64  total cost $162

Space is limited so Register Now!


Because of the advanced level of this shamanic work we can only have 8 - 10 people in each session so register now!  If we were doing these shamanic techniques on an individual basis  it would cost three times the amount of this workshop.  It's just SO IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO HAVE THESE TECHNIQUES NOW SO YOU CAN SHINE YOUR LIGHT AND HELP OTHERS!!!! 
It’s NOW time to take your own personal Shamanic Journey and learn to take care of your special needs!!!1 Join Azurae as she helps you master Practical Shamanism for Highly Sensitive People. Increase your health, happiness, personal power and gentle soul evolution and enjoy a group of truly gifted, sensitive Lightworkers like YOU!!!

Here's How to Register!
 Sat. Aug 29 at the Amethyst Center near Roanoke   4443 Quarterwood Rd, Thaxton VA 24174  To register call/text Azurae Windwalker 540-947-2423 pay pal $50 downpayment to  azuraewwlkr8@earthlink.net
Sept 5 - Joy of Being in Occoquan VA (NOVA)  125 Mill St. #11 & 12 Occoquan VA 22125-0048  703-490-4720  www.joyofbeing.net for online registration:  
Sept. 12  Kent Cook Institute at the Nook Cornelius NC in Charlotte area - 19621 West Cawtaba Ave., Cornelius NC 28031, 703-896-3111 or KentCooknook@gmail.com www.KentCookInstitute.com
Sept 19 - Charleston West VA sponsored by Charlotte Murphy -   304-542-4792 or Cmurphy896@gmail.com.
Sept. 26 - Atlantis in Johnson City TN 423 East Main St., Johnson City TN 423-926-8884 www.atlantisjohnsoncity.com  

Testimonials: “I highly recommend attending Azurae ' s classes for Empaths, as her techniques for clearing, grounding, shielding and working with your spirit body are effective, easy and necessary if you are a Lightworker in any capacity. This gives you the basics you need to start healing yourself so you can effectively help others. I've yet to find anyone else who teaches a set of comprehensive techniques such as these.” Michelle Trull, Northern VA Senior Student

Soul retrieval is so powerfully healing! Nothing else works as well as becoming whole to oneself - of the energy we are rightfully entitled to! Many people know something is wrong...they might even say...something is missing! They have half of the answer...they just didn't know it was part of them! You do this (soul retrieval) work as a medicine woman/shaman.....The great thing is that no matter the method, the recognition of the trauma that caused the (soul) break, there is the great need to return this soul part and integrate it. I appreciate your being here on earth at this time to act as guide to others higher awareness and the healing of our Mother Earth. Keep up the great work, and may you receive the blessings of our forefathers/grandmothers, plus the Great Spirit that connects us all!” Dee Chips, President of the National Association for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

Resume of Azurae Windwalker - Azurae Windwalker is an award winning shamanic journey leader and intuitive shamanic healer who has brought her wisdom, humor and close working relationship with the White Light Masters, the Spirit in Nature and the Chief Healing Angels to thousands with amazing results for 30 years. She is a healer’s healer.  Her award winning shamanic journey leadership (from the National Association for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) is the core of a pathway that ranges from shamanic journey and shamanic empowerment, to energetic self-protection, intuitive development, and self-mastery around the body-mind-spirit medicine wheel.

The techniques Azurae employs include shamanic journeying, aromatherapy, crystal healing, plant spirit medicine, psychic surgery, soul retrieval, shamanic healing art, neurolinguist programming, dowsing, property clearing, chord cutting, timeline core trauma release and release of spirit attachments. Inspired by her American Indian ancestors Azurae was trained in the XAT Native American Medicine Society where she became a ceremonial leader and council pipe carrier. She was also a leader in the personal development field having co-founded the National Association for Professional Saleswomen in Nashville and Science of Mind of Nashville. She was a fellow of the Aspen Institute think tank and is listed in Who’s Who of American Universities and Colleges at ETSU  Azurae has been gifted with the intuitive guidance to craft 16 White Light Earthchange Attunements for Ascension. Azurae directs the Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Sanctuary, at her 31 acre Thaxton VA home. She maintains a busy teaching and healing schedule in Northern VA,  Raleigh, Asheville, Roanoke, West VA and now Johnson City. Her teachings and healings are available to ALL people of good heart who seek healing on any level and to those who seek to expand their intuitive healing gifts.


Private Healing on Sundays
 Following the Workshops
 Sessions w/ Azurae

Healing Choice #1 - Soul Retrieval Petroglyph Portraits See your perfected soul blueprint in art and be more of who you truly are!  Retrieve lost soul parts. Return to your authentic self. Let shamanic artist, Azurae Windwalker, capture the blueprint of your soul’s frequency in pastels & charcoal. You’ll have an unforgettable healing and inspirational experience. Receive wisdom of your soul’s mission as defined by your gifts and talents. Find your totems, angels, enlightened ancestral guides, soul colors and symbols. Be empowered by your true beauty! Use your Soul Portrait as a shamanic tool for self-realization and retrieve more soul parts later! **45 min – 1 hr. includes oral and written interpretation, art and soul retrieval. $100 ($75 w/o soul retrieval)

Healing Choice #2 – Crystaline Detox & Weaving a Rainbow Protective Garment Clear Body Mind Spirit Toxins. Strengthen your Protective Aura. Reclaim your lost energy!!!! This is perfect for healers and overly sensitive people who have been overwhelmed by the world and/or those who are plagued by Shift symptoms. On the Amethyst biomat you’ll enjoy Archangel Michael and his flaming net which transmutes cellular toxins, heavy emotions, corrects misaligned DNA, clears spirit attachments, implants and other harmful energy to your health. A very effective crystal grid and healing ceremony is aided by rattle healing. It weaves a much stronger refined protective aura for you. It connects you more strongly to receiving healing energy from Grandfather Sun, Great Spirit and Mother Earth. Afterwards client’s say they feel like they have been surrounded in a loving protective cocoon. 45 min. $75 With soul retrieval $100. 1 hr.

Healing Choice #3 - Core Trauma Timeline Clearing – Release Present Trauma to its Past Life Origin Trauma including SOUL RETRIEVAL and RELEASE of SPIRIT ATTACHMENTS. Experience an award winning shamanic journey and healing that gently releases trauma blocking you from experiencing a full, happy, health and prosperous life. When we travel to the original trauma that began the non-beneficial patterns you experience, they are gently released through neurolinguistic programming, angelic and spiritual master intervention, DNA and cellular memory clearing and the shaman’s intent from the spiritual, emotional, physical and emotional bodies. You do NOT have to relive the pain of your trauma as you are placed in a state of non-ordinary bliss to see and reverse your trauma. The trauma is then replaced with angel honey vital lifeforce and a new pattern that works for all. We retrieve lost parts of your soul self so you can be more of who you really are! And we repair damage in your protective aura, clear implants, cut chords to non-beneficial people, places, events & clear spirit attachments if needed!!!! 1.5 – 2 hours. $125 - $150.

Healing Choice #4 - Regenerative Healing for Rehablitation through Trauma Clearing of Physical Illness, Accidents, Rape, Shock, PTSD, and other physical damage - Using the same cutting edge healing technologies we use in Core Trauma Timeline Clearing, the Spirit Doctors, the Healing Angels, the Spirit in Nature and Azurae extract the trauma out of your physical, spiritual, mental and emotional bodies so that the Spirit in Nature, your OWN White Light Healing Team and your Chief Healing Angels can regenerate you back to health and well being. Azurae searches the cosmic cloud for your blueprint of perfection and returns or reactivates this blueprint in you. Your blueprint for health will magnetize and manifest your original true well being over time. Dowsing may also be used to reconnect you to the forces of healing and clear any victim belief patterns. Your aura may need to be reinforced and/or rebuilt to give you stronger boundaries. Many clients say that their rehabilitation times have been drastically cut after these sessions. A number of sessions may be required as layers of trauma and non-beneficial patterns are revealed. You do NOT have to relive your trauma as you are placed in a state of non-ordinary bliss to see and reverse your trauma. Core trauma timeline clearing may also be needed in another session. 1.5 – 2 hours. $125 - $150.

Healing Choice #5 - Clearing of Grief, Shame, Blame and Forgiveness RitualThe loss of spouses, children and parents can cause debilitating grief. In order to move into a joyful and healthy present and future, the shock and trauma of your loss is cleared using the same cutting edge healing technologies as used in Healing Choices #4 and #5. Often there is a fair amount of exhaustion, shame and self blame if one is a care giver of a loved one. These emotions can be cleared out of the body mind and spirit. Then a Ho’ponono Hawaiian forgiveness ‘ritual will complete your healing paired with the cutting of non-beneficial chords to your loved ones leaving the connection to unconditional love. Sometimes messages are received from loved ones from the other side for your help, healing and knowledge of the loved ones well being. One of Azurae’s apprentices is an excellent medium if you need further contact. Remember the soul never dies as we are spirits living in physical bodies. 1.5 – 2 hours. $125 - $150.

These healing choices are available in private sessions in Northern VA, Raleigh, Charlotte, Johnson City TN, W VA and by appointment after or before workshops. At the Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA. sessions are available on some weekends by appointment and Tuesday – Thursday day or night. To learn more see www.theAmethystCenter.com in the newsletter, under soul portraits or healing services. Call 540-947-2423 for Roanoke appointments or Azuraewwlkr8@earthlink.net. All healing sessions are held on the awesome Amethyst Biomat.